서울대학교 출판문화원
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분류 사회과학 > 사회과학일반
ISBN 9788952112880
초판발행일 2012.01.23
최근발행일 2012.01.23
면수/판형 0(쪽) /
In contrast to academic and policy studies that concentrate on political-military-economic aspects of Korea since Division and the Korean War, authors in this book seek to discover nonkilling cultural features in South and North Korea, America, China, Japan, and Russia that can contribute to realization of a unified Nonkilling Korea – A Korea in which no Koreans kill other Koreans, no foreigners kill Koreans, and no Koreans are sent abroad to kill.

Discoveries reported here provide confidence that nonkilling cultural values and capabilities can be found in all six societies that can benefit each and all in progress toward the measurable goal of a killing-free Korea and world. Readers are invited to join in further explorations.

This book reports on the “Nonkilling Korea: Six Culture Exploratory Seminar” convened by the Asia Center/Seoul National University and the Center for Global Nonkilling/ Honolulu in Seoul during August 18~19, 2010.


Glenn D. Paige



  • 1944년 생
  • 서울대 문리과대학 외교학과 졸업
  • 동 대학원 졸업
  • 서울대 사회과학대학 정치학과 교수


차 례

Sung Chul Yang

Glenn D. Paige and Chung-Si Ahn

1. Introduction
From Cultures of Killing
Glenn D. Paige

2. Korean Culture
1) Spiritual and Practical Assets of Korean Nonviolence
Jang-Seok Kang
2) Nonkilling in North Korean Culture
Discoveries of a Former Enemy Soldier
Glenn D. Paige

3. American Culture
From Nonkilling to Beloved Community
Can America Help?
Michael N. Nagler and Stephanie N. Van Hook

4. Chinese Culture
Possibilities of a Peaceful Nonkilling China
Cultural and Political Perspectives
Dahua Tang

5. Japanese Culture
Nonkilling in Japanese Culture
Mitsuo Okamoto and Tamayo Okamoto

6. Russian Culture
1) Evolution of the Idea of Nonkilling in Russian Culture
Tatiana Yakushkina
2) Nonkilling in Russian Culture
Social Science Approach
William V. Smirnov

7. Conclusion
Toward Nonkilling Korea
Glenn D. Paige and Chung-Si Ahn

March 1, 1919 Nonviolent Declaration of Korean Independence


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평일: 오전 09:00 ~ 오후 06:00
점심: 오후 12:00 ~ 오후 01:00
무통장 입금정보


예금주: 서울대출판문화원